In addition to plaster work, Jack has vast experience with bronze, aluminum, and wrought iron reproduction, and in initial design and production. He reproduced the balcony railings and other metal features for Oheka Castle as well as its wall railings. Of particular pride, Jack felt honored to have worked on the parapets of names for the 911 Memorial in New York City.
Oheka Castle - Huntington, NY
This balcony is at Oheka Castle in Huntington, Long Island, NY. It was built by Otto H. Kahn in 1917 and restored beginning in 1984. Above, the original railings were broken and rusted, but enough of it was salvageable to make copies of pieces and from them to construct 18 full balconies of differing configurations. Above is the finished railing installed, the inset shows one of the original rusted parts used to reproduce the finished pieces.
Kingston, NY
This unusual automobile hood ornament was first carved in wood. Jack created it’s metal twin to withstand the elements and create a sensation among motorists passing by the owner’s car.